Social Media Strategy (tentative)

Social media accounts are windows that exhibit our image to the public, and we must pay attention to them. However, on the one hand, the use of social media should complement, and not negatively affect, our routine work, study, and life patterns; on the other hand, different social media platforms generally differ in terms of appropriate content to display. After a period of observation and reflection, we have developed the following social media strategy to address these issues, as depicted in the Bipartite Graph below.

	state "Life Moments" as LifeMoments
	state "Reflections on Life" as ReflectionsOnLife
	state "Work Moments" as WorkMoments
	state "Reflections on Work" as ReflectionsOnWork
	state "Reflections on Development" as ReflectionsOnDevelopment
	state "Detailed Explanations" as DetailedExplanations
	state "Planning" as Planning

	state "Instagram" as Instagram
	state "小红书" as XiaoHongShu
	state "WeChat" as WeChat
	state "QQ" as QQ
	state "LinkedIn" as LinkedIn
	state "Blog" as Blog

    LifeMoments --> Instagram
    LifeMoments --> XiaoHongShu
    LifeMoments --> WeChat
    LifeMoments --> QQ
    ReflectionsOnLife --> XiaoHongShu
    ReflectionsOnLife --> Twitter
    ReflectionsOnLife --> WeChat
    ReflectionsOnLife --> QQ

    WorkMoments --> Twitter
    WorkMoments --> WeChat
    WorkMoments --> QQ

    ReflectionsOnWork --> Twitter
    ReflectionsOnWork --> WeChat
    ReflectionsOnWork --> QQ

    ReflectionsOnDevelopment --> LinkedIn
    DetailedExplanations --> Blog
    Planning --> Blog

In addition, a pain point we will encounter is that we will post some content to both Chinese and English social media platforms. To overcome this problem, we can first write a Chinese (or English) version and use automated tools such as Google Translate and DeepL before manually touching up the machine-translated version.

Furthermore, to boost the following of our social media accounts, when we need to share the content posted on social media with others via private chat, we can share the link of the content posted to social media instead of copying and pasting the content itself.

Social Media Strategy (tentative)
Jifeng Wu
Posted on
December 31, 2022
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